All My Mother's Lovers: A Novel

All My Mother’s Lovers by Ilana Masad is the well-written story of road trip undertaken by Maggie, the dysfunctional 40-year-old lesbian daughter of Iris. Iris died in a car accident and left mysterious letters to be mailed to men in the event of her death. Maggie returns home for the funeral, discovers the letters, and decides to deliver them in person to find out who they are (and, it soon appears, who her mother really was). Woven in the plot is Maggie’s relationship with her girlfriend Lucia, with whom the novel begins and ends. Maggie learns a lot about her mother and herself, and while all of the characters are still mess at the end, they are partly redeemed by drawing closer together. Here’s what BookPage says:

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About Mike Wilson

Mike Wilson’s work has appeared in magazines including Cagibi Literary Journal, Stoneboat, The Aurorean, The Ocotillo Review, London Reader, and in anthologies including for a better world 2020 and Anthology of Appalachian Writers Vol. X. He received Kentucky State Poetry Society’s Chaffin/Kash Prize in 2019. He resides in Lexington, Kentucky, but summers in Ecstasy and winters in Despair.

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