All This Could Be Yours by Jami Attenberg is a family saga centered around Victor, an abusive and criminal businessman who is about to die. The family members victimized by his abuse themselves are not portrayed as all that sympathetic, although as the depth of his impact on their lives is fleshed out the reader begins to see that the complexities of their mutual toxicity is nuanced. Eventually the reader feels empathy with all of the characters, even Victor. The prose is high quality and there are some surprises near the end. Here’s what Kirkus Reviews says:

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About Mike Wilson

Mike Wilson’s work has appeared in magazines including Cagibi Literary Journal, Stoneboat, The Aurorean, The Ocotillo Review, London Reader, and in anthologies including for a better world 2020 and Anthology of Appalachian Writers Vol. X. He received Kentucky State Poetry Society’s Chaffin/Kash Prize in 2019. He resides in Lexington, Kentucky, but summers in Ecstasy and winters in Despair.

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