In Five Years by Rebecca Serle is difficult to classify. Yes, it’s a romance, but it’s also kind of a mystery. Dannie, the protagonist, is engaged to David but has a vivid dream/premonition/time-travel experience that she is with another man that, based upon data in the experience, occurs on December 15, 2025, five years into the future. The experience is so vivid that she believes it is real, perhaps more real than the life she’s living. Fast forward four and a half years (during which time she and David haven’t actually married) and she meets the mystery man – his name is Aaron and he’s the new boyfriend of Dannie’s best friend, Bella. Looming over the rest of the story is the December 15 deadline – will events unfold to bring about what Dannie envisioned five years earlier? What about David? What about Bella? Serle is a skilled writer and people who don’t normally read romances will find much to admire in this novel. Here’s what Kirkus Reviews says: