The Maid: A Novel

Molly, the protagonist in The Maid,  by Nita Prose, is a compulsive cleaner who can’t read what’s going on in the faces around her. Consequently, she becomes a pawn in shady activities at the Regency Grand Hotel where she works. When she discovers the body of  wealthy businessman Charles Black in the room she’s come to clean, she becomes a suspect in his murder. Stuck in the middle of a mess, she has to figure out who killed Black in order to save herself. The fun of this best-selling novel is the endearing eccentricity of Molly and the plot unwinding around her that the reader sees before she does. Here’s what Kirkus Reviews says:
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About Mike Wilson

Mike Wilson’s work has appeared in magazines including Cagibi Literary Journal, Stoneboat, The Aurorean, The Ocotillo Review, London Reader, and in anthologies including for a better world 2020 and Anthology of Appalachian Writers Vol. X. He received Kentucky State Poetry Society’s Chaffin/Kash Prize in 2019. He resides in Lexington, Kentucky, but summers in Ecstasy and winters in Despair.

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