Sonnet-Mike Wilson, photo-Daria Volkova, appeared in Lothlorien Poetry Journal
Continue ReadingWhen you visit Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, a poem….
Poem-Mike Wilson, photo-Robert Anasch, appeared in Lothlorien Poetry Journal
Continue ReadingEditorial – Anti-abortion laws violate the 13th Amendment prohibiting involuntary servitude
This is an editorial of mine that appeared in the Herald-Leader recently. It’s also reproduced below the link. There is a constitutional basis for …
Continue ReadingBook Review: Our Missing Hearts, by Celeste Ng…
Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng is set in an America that persecutes Asian-Americans and blames them for causing “The Crisis,” some sort of economic …
Continue ReadingBook Review: Spring in Siberia, by Artem Mozgovoy..
Spring in Siberia, by Artem Mozgovoy is a coming-of-age-gay in Siberia novel that reads like memoir. The author is a journalist born and raised in …
Continue ReadingCovid19 dream, a poem…
Poem-Mike Wilson, photo-Tuva Mathilde Loland, appeared in Oxygen: Parables of Pandemic.
Continue ReadingPurple Iris, a sonnet….
sonnet by Mike Wilson, photo by Xuan Nguyen
Continue ReadingBands of Blue and Yellow, a poem…
Poem-Mike Wilson, photo-Diana Vyshniakova, appeared in Lothlorien Poetry Journal
Continue ReadingBook Review: Unshuttered, by Patricia Smith…
Unshuttered is a collection of ekphrastic poems by award-winning poet Patricia Smith. The inspiration for the poems are nineteenth-century photos of Black women, men, and …
Continue ReadingIndra, a poem….
poem-Mike Wilson, photo-Willem Karssenberg
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