eliza griswold – Mike Wilson https://mikewilsonwriter.com Writing in the post-truth world Sun, 09 Aug 2020 00:26:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 177517995 Book Review – If Men, Then by Eliza Griswold https://mikewilsonwriter.com/2020/08/11/book-review-if-men-then-by-eliza-griswold/ https://mikewilsonwriter.com/2020/08/11/book-review-if-men-then-by-eliza-griswold/#respond Wed, 12 Aug 2020 00:22:00 +0000 https://mikewilsonwriter.com/?p=745

If Men, Then is a debut collection of poems by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Eliza Griswold. Set in locales across the globe (or in myths), they are spare, abstract yet intimate, often political, sometimes humorous, always insightful. The title’s reference is to war and comes from a poem that begins “Twenty men crossing a bridge, into a village, is not a metaphor but prelude to a massacre.” The poems are moving, effective, and beautiful. Here’s what Publisher’s Weekly says:


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