Shouldn’t, a poem by Mike Wilson….
Directions to Canaan, a poem
Guileless Salaryman, a poem
a haiku that should be a country song….
Photo and poem by Mike Wilson
Continue ReadingNo Thank You, a poem…
Poem-Mike Wilson, photo-Pawel Czerwinski, appeared in Literary Accents
Continue ReadingLicensed to Rhyme, a poem….
Poem-Mike Wilson, photo-Pawel Czerwinski, appeared in The Orchards
Continue ReadingHappy Holiday, a poem…
Happy Holiday ******************** She’s been daydreaming about the North Pole, making a nice naughty list. She’s dressed in red. He’s a little green but there’s …
Continue ReadingGaia’s on Acid and She Can’t Come Down
This poem appeared in Amsterdam Quarterly
Continue Readinglittle wounds, a poem
Check out this poem of mine that recently appeared in Dust
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