a plate is shattered and then glued back together, a fitting metaphor for Antonia’s struggle
Continue ReadingBook Review – American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins
if you want to know what it’s like to try to immigrate to the U.S. through Mexico, read this book
Continue ReadingBook Review – Camino Winds by John Grisham
…an undemanding addition to the beach book bag ….
Continue ReadingConstructing Poems out of Dreams
During the past several months, I’ve been writing poems drawn from dreams. I’m going to describe the process I use. I suggest to myself …
Continue ReadingBook Review – A Long Petal of the Sea
A Long Petal of the Sea is the title of Isabel Allende’s latest novel, drawn from poet Pablo Neruda’s description of Chile as “the long …
Continue ReadingPoetry Writer’s Tip – Try Translating, even if you don’t speak the language
translating puts you in the head of the poet…
Continue ReadingBook Review: The Red Lotus
a thriller appropriate to read during a pandemic….
Continue ReadingThe New Pledge
I pledge allegiance to what’s left of the United States of America and to the oligarchy that took it in hand, one delusion (under water)of selfishness with nothing for nobody.
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