Sea of Tranquility is the latest novel by award-winning writer Emily St. John Mandel. She’s a literary writer who also is a huge commercial success and, incidentally, perennially appears on Barrack Obama’s yearly list of favorite books. This novel involves time travel. I’m not normally a science fiction fan, but she’s fundamentally a skilled literary novelist who likes to explore big ideas. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Kirkus Reviews calls it exciting to read, relevant, and satisfying:

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About Mike Wilson

Mike Wilson’s work has appeared in magazines including Cagibi Literary Journal, Stoneboat, The Aurorean, The Ocotillo Review, London Reader, and in anthologies including for a better world 2020 and Anthology of Appalachian Writers Vol. X. He received Kentucky State Poetry Society’s Chaffin/Kash Prize in 2019. He resides in Lexington, Kentucky, but summers in Ecstasy and winters in Despair.

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